Joseph's Estate Wines will launching it's
new line of wine later this month.
It will be named after Hazel McCallion, Mississauga's mayor.
And, with the launch of bottled Hazel McCallion, I have the perfect opportunity to explain why I love her.
McCallion will be 89 in a couple weeks. She has been Mississauga's mayor for 31 years, and she's done a damn good job.
She spends time with people, actually participates in local events, is always open to new suggestions and will talk with just about anyone.
She is the epitome of what a mayor should be.
She walks and shops regularly in her own neighbourhood, contributing to the local economy and making herself available for chats with local residents.
Not only that, but McCallion bikes everywhere! That is what I love most.
When you think of Mississauga, usually what you immediately think of is suburban houses and lots of cars. But they've had a Cycling Advisory Committee since 1994, and Hazel McCallion is a frequent cyclist.
So far as I know, for the past two, if not more,
World Carfree Days, McCallion
rode her bike seven kilometers to City Hall.
Imagine, an 89 year old that can ride her bike to work, while there are 20-somethings who drive their SUVs to the corner store.
When I'm 89, I want to ride my bike to work.