Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer Baking--- yuuummmm

So I had a bit of a mishap with my tiny digi camera and it somehow re-set the memory card so that only my camera could read my memory card.
So my photos from the last three months were sort of stuck on there.
BUT my I.T. Support father worked some computer magic and luckily got my 435 photos off of my camera.

What that means for this blog is that I can finally post my summer baking adventures!

My first attempt at baking was Dark Chocolate Mousse with Salted Caramel Sauce.

It was absolutely delicious, easy to do, but greatly in need of constant attention (which is definitely not my forte in any kind of baking or cooking).
But I'd say it turned out rather well.
I had to improvise for a couple things- I ran out of milk chocolate and didn't actually have any baking chocolate. So instead I used some cocoa powder mixed in with the crushed milk chocolate that I did have on hand.Also, I ended up pouring in too much butter milk into the heated butter while making the caramel sauce, so it was pretty runny.
Aaanndd because of these two blunders, the mousse wasn't quite as light and fluffy as mousse typically is. The mousse was a little heavier, and the sauce a little runnier, ergo the sauce actually sunk to the bottom shortly after I took these photos.

But it was delicious just the same!

And now, for the best Banana Bread I've ever made in my life.
Best looking.
Best tasting.
Best texture.
Just The Best.
I think I've finally got the trick. And I think this because I actually replicated the same Best outcome a few weeks later!