Jean jackets. Short floral dresses of [sensible] cotton. Lace shirts. Onesies. Crop tops. Platform wedges and heels with ankle straps [so that you're feet aren't actually dying at the end of a party-packed night). High-waisted (but not obscene) pants, jeans and skirts.
These fashion pieces are all over the place.
At first, I thought it was just a bit of 90s inspiration leaking in, but I'm totally convinced that this summer we're going to re-live 90s fashion.And let's not forget tame, straight, non-extravagant hair and dark lipsticks and nail polish. So serious.
By the way, check out my floral-and-denim combo. I wore this on St. Patty's Day, took the photo and promptly forgot about it until I accidentally opened up Photo Booth.

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